BURLINGTON POST: Film Festival grows to two evenings this year
Burlington's Tottering Biped Film Festival grows to two evenings this year By Dennis Smith "An expanded film festival is in the cards as...

INSIDE HALTON: First Dance turns societal 'ritual' on its head
By Dennis Smith - Special to Burlington Post "When Trevor Copp and Jeff Fox ballroom danced together and took turns leading, a show was...

INSIDE HALTON: Culture is not a frill
By Dennis Smith - Special to Burlington Post Candidates in this fall’s municipal election were urged to slam Burlington’s Cultural Action...

BURLINGTON POST: Cultural Action Plan passed
Council unanimously passes Cultural Action Plan By Tina Dempko-Denver "In a rare break with the code of conduct in council chambers, the...

BURLINGTON POST: Food for thought on Cultural Action Plan
Arts and culture members provide food for thought on Cultural Action Plan By Tina Depko-Denver "Members of the city’s arts and culture...

BURLINGTON POST: Record number of artists gather to discuss Cultural Action Plan
By Tina Depko-Denver "It was a night for the cultural record books. More than 60 artists representing a variety of genres gathered at the...

BURLINGTON POST: Making our dreamworld a reality
By Trevor Copp, Guest Contributor "As a bedroom community, we live in a dreamworld. By that I mean Burlington doesn’t exist on its own...

INSIDE HALTON: Immersed in Burlington's arts scene
By Nikki Wesley "Trespassing at the Acropolis of Athens in an ancient, open-air theatre once inspired Burlington’s 2012 Arts Person of...
TREVOR COPP: City hall’s cut of public art purchases reveals lack of vision
By Trevor Copp, Guest Columnist "Councillor John Taylor’s statement last week, “Don’t anyone say that I’m opposed to public art” (the...
BURLINGTON POST: Trevor Copp tackles role as suicide bomber
Read the full article here.