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Welcome to Hamilton's textile district. Thank you for joining us on this journey. The buttons below will come in handy at certain moments during the performance - don't worry, we'll let you know when! 
We recommend beginning your journey at East Kiwanis Place (the parkette across from Fabricland), but feel free to walk and explore wherever your impulse takes you. Please remember to be aware of your surroundings (especially when crossing the street), and remember that Covid-19 protocols are in place. This performance will take about 30 minutes and is best experienced from a mobile device with headphones. 

Whenever you're ready, press play and join us in 'The Past'.

The Past
00:00 / 18:16
The Future
00:00 / 04:54

Creative Team
Written by Anna Chatterton
with music from Stitch by Juliet Palmer

Directed by Robert Motum

Performed by Alma Sarai, Sam Mercury,  Anna Chatterton, and Neema Bickersteth (vocals) 
Audio editing by Zach Parsons

Stay tuned for three other PLAY THIS iterations coming soon!


Call Milli
00:00 / 00:56

Tottering Biped Theatre wishes to thank the Ontario Arts Council, The Incite Foudation, The Canada Presentation Fund, The Hamilton Enrichment Fund, and our private donors for making this series possible.

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